International Attachment Network Presents:
Post Graduate Certificate in Attachment Theory
Post Graduate Certificate in Attachment Brochure (Download)
Commencing 6th March 2021
Weekly Seminars via Zoom
Saturdays 14.00 – 15.30 GMT/BST
The International Attachment Network is proud to relaunch its Post Graduate Certificate in Attachment Theory. Originally launched in 1999, the Post Graduate Certificate in Attachment Theory is designed to empower students with a comprehensive understanding of the roots and clinical application of contemporary developments in attachment theory. Lecturers are drawn from IAN’s impressive Honorary Membership; seminal thinkers, researchers, and clinicians in the attachment field, delivering the original foundations and contemporary developments of Bowlby’s thinking and the myriad of varying branches of application that have advanced in the clinical and research field.
This fully online program can be taken either as an entire course for the Post-Graduate Certificate in Attachment Theory, or lectures and seminars can be attended individually for which CPD certificates will be issued. To qualify for the award of the IAN Post-Graduate certificate students must attend 18 of the 22 lectures. Due to the international nature of some of the speakers the lectures will be either live of pre-recorded which this will be indicated nearer the lecture date. Each weekly Saturday afternoon lecture will be one hour long, followed by a live 30 minute discussion group hosted by the speaker (where delivered live) or by a member of the International Attachment Network.
Registrants must be able to demonstrate at minimum graduate qualifications in psychotherapy, psychology (clinical or counselling), counselling and psychiatry. Applications from allied professions are decided on a case by case basis and queries about suitability should be addressed to,uk
Non Member Fees: £695 | IAN & AGIP Member Fees: £450 (entering members discount code).*
Join IAN & receive discount code here.
Academic Program (Subject to Review)
Week 1 | 6th March: Introduction to Attachment Theory. Dr Mauricio Cortina (USA)
Week 2 | 13th March: The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Dr Sonia Gojman (Mexico)
Week 3 | 20th March: Mary Ainsworth, The Strange Situation and Parental Responses to the AAI. Prof Howard Steele (USA)
Week 4 | 27th March: Attachment and Social Character Theories: An Integrative Approach. Dr Sonja Gojman (Mexico & US)
Week 5 |10th April: Attachment and Reflective Function. Prof Howard Steele (USA)
Week 6 | 17th April: Intergenerational Transmission of Patterns of Attachment. Dr Nicolas Lorenzini (Germany)
Week 7 | 24th April: The Strange Situation and Disorganised Attachment. Prof Marinus van IJzendoorn (Netherlands)
Week 8 | 8th May: Attachment and the Legacy of the Early Years. Prof Alan Sroufe (USA)
Week 9 | 15th May: Attachment and Clinical Supervision. Roxana Parra Sepulveda (UK)
Week 10 | 22nd May: Attachment and Multi-motivational Theory. Dr Mauricio Cortina (USA)
Week 11 | 29th May: Trauma, the Body and Attachment. Dr Nicola Diamond (UK)
Week 12 | 5th June: Attachment and Adolescence. Prof Marlene Moretti (Canada)
Week 13 |12th June: Attachment and the Couple. Nicola Jones (UK)
Week 14 | 19th June: Technical Aspects of Attachment-Oriented Psychotherapy. Dr Mario Marrone (UK)
Week 15 | 26th June: Attachment and Interfamily Therapy. Dr Javier Sempere and Dr Claudio Fuenzalida (Spain)
Week 16 | 18th September: Attachment and Bereavement. Dr Vanessa Nahoul Serio (Mexico)
Week 17 | 25th September: Attachment and Psychosis, Kate Brown (UK)
Week 18 | 2nd October: Attachment and Memory Systems. Dr Haline Schendan (UK)
Week 19 | 9th October: Attachment and Forensic Psychotherapy. Prof Gwen Adshead (UK)
Week 20 | 16th October: Attachment and Parent-Infant Psychotherapy. Dr Amanda Jones (UK)
Week 21 | 23rd October: Revisiting John Bowlby, Clinical Implications of Attachment Research. Prof Miriam Steele (USA)
Week 22 | 6th November: Attachment and Parenting Children. Rebecca Sheikh (UK)
*Seminars can be attended individually and will be advertised separately. Member fees: £35 | Non-Member fees: £50
*Existing IAN & AGIP 2020 members contact to receive discount code.
Cancellation Policy
An event will be confirmed to proceed not later than 14 days prior to its scheduled starting date. IAN will send a reminder email to all attendees.
Workshop registration is only confirmed when full payment has been received from a participant.
If the number of attendees is less than a minimum required to cover costs, an event may be cancelled up to 10 days in advance of the scheduled starting date, participants will be notified immediately and receive a full refund.
If a participant chooses to cancel their confirmed registration, or cannot or does not attend the workshop:
- The registered participant may transfer their registration to another person to at no charge provided full contact details and name are provided;
- If a cancellation notice is received 14 days or less from the scheduled starting date, no refund will be offered
- If a cancellation notice is received between 14 and 30 days in advance of the scheduled starting date of an event, a 50% refund will be offered
- If a cancellation notice is received more than 30 days in advance, a full refund will be offered.